Who is Ignorant?

Actually, We will not call the one who does not know anything IGNORANT, rather we will consider him, the one who despite having all the knowledge, does not appreciate the knowledge he has received… We try to understand this through a story….

Once upon a time, there lived a devotee in a village, his name was Sanjay, he was always engrossed in devotion, his daily routine was to get up early in the morning, perform puja, sing hymns of God, offer food to God and eat it himself and after that he would go to his shop. But  he used to close the shop after having lunch. After that he would go and serve the poor, do charity and spend the rest of his time in the company of saints. People were surprised by his behavior and considered him crazy. People used to criticize him saying how stupid he was. He opens his shop only for a short time, if he keeps the shop open for a long time then he can earn so much that he can make his family more happy, but on the contrary, he also donates the little earned money to the saints and the poor.

There lived a rich man in the same village whose name was Nagar Seth. One day Seth went to meet Sanjay and gave him a cap and said,
“This hat is for the biggest ignorant. Therefore, I want to give this cap to you because I cannot find a more ignorant person than you. If you see someone who is more ignorant than you, you can give him this to wear.”
Sanjay did not say anything and kept the cap.

After a few years, Sanjay heard that Seth’s last time had come. So he went to meet him and inquired about his health condition. So
Seth said, “Brother, my end is near, I am leaving.
Sanjay asked, “Have you sent anyone there before you to prepare for your arrival? Will your wife, son, money, car, bungalow etc. all go with you?”
Seth replied, “Brother… who will come with me…  I have to go alone. Family, wealth, palace… everything will be left behind.
There is no one to be with except God.”
Hearing these words, Sanjay got up and went back to his home and returned to Seth after some time.
Seth was surprised to see all this and asked him, what happened? Why did you go earlier?
Giving that cap to Seth,Sanjay said, I had gone to take this cap, which you had given me one day.
Seth asked, “Why are you giving it to me?”

Sanjay replied, “When you gave me this cap you said that I should give it to someone who was more ignorant than me. That person is in front of me today… Seth , you are more ignorant than me because you knew earlier that all the property, house, shop, all this worldly goods will not go with you after death, yet you remained engaged in this greed and needs throughout your life. Even after earning enough for living, you remained engaged in earning more and fulfilling material desires and even at the end your interest remained stuck in material things. Throughout your life you did not do good deeds, nor served the needy, nor even worshiped God. Meaning nothing was prepared for that other world. Now you yourself understand who is more ignorant.”

Friends, most of the people’s life passes like that of a merchant, just running after the material things and relatives…only a very few people understand the true meaning of getting a human life…anyway, nowadays most of the people do not believe in heaven, hell and the afterlife as having any basis; They believe more in what has been seen…they give more importance to living today…they are worried about the physical tomorrow…that is, how will they get money, a car, a big house…but after death,for the soul we will have to think about it,which is actually the truth of life.
Today’s modern era  has deeply influenced our thinking…Today we consider it our right to seek logic before accepting everything….

Friends, everyone must have read the theorem in the Math book in childhood, which starts with the word Suppose which means suppose it is like this… then a process is followed to prove that assumed thing… and finally it is accepted. What assumed is proved…
We have to apply the same method to the things written in our scriptures and the things heard from the mouth of proven saints… But before accepting all those things, we get entangled in arguments and waste precious time of life like this…
Friends, you must enjoy this modern life but at the same time, you must implement it in your life by believing in the knowledge hidden in your religious books… so that our life does not pass in ignorance….

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