Tears of sorrow

If someone  recognizes our   tears even  flowing in the rain, then that person is the best  companion or relationship in our life….It is only by luck that one is blessed with such a loved one…If we find such a dear one its also very rare to be with that realtionship for ever.

Reema, studying in 10th class, was a bit sad today…When Anand, who was studying with her, noticed this, instead of asking her directly, he asked Sonia, a girl from her friend group. She told that Reema’s grandfather had died a few days ago. Reema missed him a lot.

Hearing this, Anand went to Reema and said…Can I sit near you? Reema nodded yes…
I came to know about your grandfather…but who can stop the one who is going…Anand asked to share his sorrow…

Reema nodded yes… and paused for a while and asked, “Where did you learn such great things from?” She smiled a little while saying this…

Anand felt a little shy… and to change the subject he said… Come on, it’s time for class… If I reach late even today, the teacher will throw me out of the class… As soon as he got up and started leaving, …
Reema said, you go, I will come…and also, I liked you coming to me and asking about my condition.
This series of conversations continued and both of them did not even realize when friendship turned into love.
Then while studying together from school to college, promises of marriage were made…
A day before the college farewell day, Reema talked to her father about Anand and also told about her future.
His father came to meet Anand in the evening after the party… Hello uncle… Anand said to him with folded hands….
The father nodded and said,  can we  talk alone?…
Why not….If Reema doesn’t mind…Anand said jokingly….
Then both of them sat on the chairs outside the nearby tea shop.
Will you take something uncle…Anand asked
Without giving any answer, Reema’s father said… Tell me about yourself, what are your future plans… What is your family background…
Anand told everything about himself that he belongs to a middle class family and will find a good job after studies.
Reema’s father was not happy after hearing this…  he said, do you know a  person   who used to travel in Audi will not like Honda…
Both of you have exams coming up, so concentrate on that first…we will talk about the rest later….Till then avoid talking to each other even on phone…saying this he got up and left from there….
Hearing all this, it seemed as if Anand’s wishes had also got a farewell… he felt sad while sitting there.
Reema was also seen going with her father…
He had understood everything…that today he had lost the right to wipe Reema’s tears of sorrow.

This was just a short story. One who reads many tears is not destined to be with him…but it is as if the search for him continues throughout his life…

Oh hi there 👋
It’s nice to meet you.

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