Subtle Vision

Subtle Vision.

The subtle vision of a person identifies the thoughts in his mind. We do not see any thing or person as they are, rather we see them as we think. We see the merits, demerits, happiness and sorrow in any object, person or situation according to our state of mind. Every person has two types of vision, one which sees the external form and the other is the inner vision which gives knowledge about the right, wrong, sin, virtue, truth and lie of the seen person, object or situation.

For example, when four Men  saw a Woman or girl, one had the feeling of a daughter, the second had the feeling of a sister, the third had the feeling of lust, the fourth had the feeling of a mother. Meaning, externally everyone saw the same women or girl , but internally everyone had different feelings. Therefore, due to the state of mind, people sometimes feel unfavorable even in favorable situations and in some unfavorable situations, favorable.

Ther is a story elaborating  this: Once a Mahatma lived with some of his disciples. One day a Seth donated a cow to the Mahatma. When the disciples told this to their Guru, Guruji smiled and said that it is good that now everyone will get milk  to drink . After a few days, some people misled that Seth against the Mahatma and asked him why he should gift a milk-giving cow to that hypocrite. Seth also joined everyone’s conversation and brought back his cow from the ashram. When the disciples told this to Guruji, he said that it was good that they got rid of the hassle of throwing cow dung. Meaning, if a person changes his state of mind as the circumstances change, then he can never feel sad.

Similarly, once a saint had gone on a pilgrimage with his two disciples. When he returned after 4 months, he saw that half of his hut had been blown away due to the storm. Seeing this, the disciples got very angry and said, O Lord, what kind of justice is yours? We worship you so much, yet you destroyed our huts and on the other hand, nothing happened to the palaces of those who committed sins. But his Guru ji’s eyes were filled with tears and he was looking at the sky and thanking God that he had saved half of the hut in such a terrible storm. Thank you very much for how much you care about poors like us . There was anger and jealousy in the hearts of the disciples, they were sad, that is why they did not sleep the whole night. On the other hand, Guruji was feeling happy by repeatedly thinking about the  grace of God in his mind, hence he slept peacefully. As soon as Guruji  woke up in the morning, he  again thanked God and said that there was  a different pleasure to sleep in the open sky under the light of moon and stars. Hearing such words from Guruji, the disciples said angrily that you have gone mad, you are thanking the Lord who destroyed our hut. Guru ji said , the thing which increases our sorrow is wrong in life and the thing which gives happiness is the right direction of life. I thanked God and slept happily and you remained burning with sorrow the whole night, now you tell me which condition of life was pleasant.

Friends, it is true that only our right and positive thinking takes us on the happy path of life. Now it is all in our hands either to  follow the path of   negative thinking or positive thinking.

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