Stories related to Husband-Wife Relationship…

Stories related to husband-wife relationship…..

Friends, looking shortcomings in relationships will always make them seem distant from themselves…. Ignoring the mistake made by your close partner or friend or sometimes giving direction to improve that shortcoming through loving rebuke strengthens the relationship…

Husband and wife were sitting together drinking tea after a long time because today was their 25th wedding anniversary. Like before, they no longer spent time together. They rarely sat near each other. Don’t know for what reasons the distance between them was increasing.

While drinking tea, the wife broke the silence and said – I have a lot to say to you, but now we do not have time for each other. After thinking alot ,I have found a solution to deal with this situation, if you agree, let me tell you.

The husband agreed by nodding his head.

The wife took out two diaries from the table drawer and said, I have brought these two diaries, one for you and one for me. After today, whatever complaint we both have against each other, we will write it down in our respective diaries. After one year, when our 26th anniversary comes, we will open it and read it. Then we will come to know about those things or habits of others which we do not like and we will be able to improve them or take some solution.

The husband also liked the wife’s idea and started writing in the diary from the same day. Within no time a year passed and the day of the 26th anniversary arrived.

Both husband and wife were sitting at the dining table and drinking tea, both of them had their own diaries kept nearby which they exchanged with each other. After finishing the tea the husband started reading his wife’s diary. There were a lot of complaints in that diary… like he  had promised to take me to the hotel today but still did not take me!
Today guests came from my parents’ house and my husband did not talk well with them..!
After so many months, today you brought a dress for me but of old design!
Today, while I was watching the serial, my husband changed the channel and switched on the news!
Left a wet towel on the couch today!
There were many such complaints… The husband had tears in his eyes while reading the diary. The husband felt very regretful…he told his wife, “I was not even aware of these mistakes!”

But now I promise you that I will not repeat such mistakes again.

Now the wife opened her husband’s diary. The wife turned many pages of the diary but it was completely blank! Not a single word was written anywhere! Wife said: You have not written anything in the diary. Husband said: Look at the last page, I have written on it.

It was written on the page –

I can’t write anything against you in this diary compared to the sacrifices you have made for me and my family over the years and the amount of love you have given to all of us! And more importantly, I never wanted to see any flaw in you! It is not that you have no shortcomings but any of your shortcomings are very small in comparison to your love, dedication and sacrifice. Ignoring my countless mistakes, you have supported me like my shadow in this difficult life and always stood by me. You tell me, if someone finds fault in his own shadow, how can he find fault? Now the wife’s eyes were moist. The wife took the diary of her complaints from her husband and burnt it!

The relationship between husband and wife is based on trust in each other and it becomes stronger due to that. At a certain stage of age, husband and wife should understand one thing very well that instead of finding faults and shortcomings in each other, if they remember how much sacrifice both of them have made for each other to maintain the relationship, then it will help them in achieving their goals. The relationship will  become stronger.

Another story……. once a woman went to a saint and said that she often quarrels with her husband, what should I do?
The saint heard everything and without saying anything he called out to his wife and asked her to turn on the torch and bring it.
The saint’s wife turned on the torch and brought it and went away ….

That woman was watching all this and was wondering in her mind why the saint had asked for a torch at this time in the afternoon…

The saint again called his wife and asked her to bring something sweet to eat…
This time, instead of bringing sweets, the wife left with salty snacks.

The woman started wondering what kind of foolish family this is… one switches on the torch during the day and the other leaves with salty instead of sweet.
Seeing this, when she got up and started leaving, the saint asked, “Have you found the answer to your question? Don’t you want to ask anything else?”

The woman said… what kind of answer? I did not understand anything …
The saint said that when I asked for a torch that was switched on, my wife could have said that you are crazy for asking for a torch in such a sunny day…
But she thought that perhaps I needed it, so without saying anything she brought it….
And when she brought salty snacks instead of sweets, I too did not say anything, thinking that the house would probably run out of sweets.
In this way, we both trusted each other and avoided arguments….
The saint further said that balance in the family is built on the foundation of trust…when the husband commits a mistake, the wife should take care of him and if there is any fault with the wife, the husband should ignore it…this is the only successful way to make family life happy

So friends if we try to think in our free time……
Why do Couples fight at home? The basic reason we found will be our ego and lack of mutual trust.
Husband and wife both  have to complement each other. If one person commits a mistake, the other should act wisely, remain calm and try to solve the problem with love and not with anger. In family life, less attention should be given to someone’s shortcomings and more importance should be given to trust in each other

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