Greed or Satisfaction

Greed or Satisfaction.

Once a person asked a saint that God is equal, means He is beyond happiness and sorrow and we all are His parts, then why are we sad or happy.

When God himself has created this world, then why did he make someone poor always feeling sad and someone rich who always live  happy.
Friends, these two such questions also  arise in the mind of all of us when we are sad or worried about something.

That saint started answering this with very compassionate words. He said that due to lack of spiritual knowledge, we see all these differences, we consider this body as our own and keep becoming happy and unhappy in it and blame God. The day we become aware of our true nature, we too will feel equality within ourselves like God. For example, just think, when one of our neighbors dies due to some unfortunate incident, we do not feel as sad as we do when our own relative dies because we have considered our relationship with that human being. Similarly we forgot that we are soul  and  accepted this body as our own, hence we accept the happiness and sorrow that comes with it as our own.
Answering the second question the saint says
These two words rich and poor have different meanings from worldly and spiritual point of view. The one who has more wealth, we call him rich and the one who lacks these two, we call him poor. But spiritual  men say that the one who has no money is not poor, but the one whose thirst is very great, that is, the one who despite having everything, has the desire to get more is poor. And the one who knows how to be satisfied even with less is rich.

The saint further narrated a story where he says that a laborer and his wife used to spend whatever they earned every day on that very day. He had nothing left for the next day. Similarly, his life was going on happily . One day a goddess came to the labourer’s house. Both husband and wife served him a lot. The goddess was pleased and gave him 7 pots out of which 6 were filled with gold pieces and the seventh was only half .

Both thought that why not they fill the  seventh pot first which was half . Now, every day, whatever they earned, would put some of it in that pot. This continued for many days, but that pot remained the same. Seeing this, his heart became very sad, he started becoming weak due to worry, the blood in their body started drying up, their cheeks became flat, waist started bending, but still due to their greed, they kept busy in filling the same seventh pot.

There lived a Saint in the  same village and  knew their  condition. Seeing all this he felt pity for them. He called the goddess with his mantra power and asked her to take away all those pots. And the same happened. When the laborer and his wife came home, they started crying and beating when they did not see those seven pots in the house. For two-three days they lived in sad mood . And at last they got  satisfied and became happy as before.

Friends, please relate this story to your own life and see if you too are not appreciating the property you have received and are busy in the race to earn. Are you also wasting your life to fill that half pot full of desires? The truth is that we are all trying to fill the same
If today we get a bicycle to ride, then we will wish for a motorcycle, and then for a car and beyond that for a branded car and while running in this race, we become mentally and physically weak and suffer from many diseases.

Friends, after listening to all these things, we come to know that greed is a disease which turns a rich man into a poor and a brave man into a coward. The only way to get rid of this is satisfaction.

A person who has qualities like contentment in his mind always remains calm. Only a calm person can live this life happily.
So friends, now it is in your hands how to live this life.

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