Everyone feel their sorrows more than Others

Everyone feel their sorrows more than Others.

Hello friends, let’s start today with a small story….

A man tries to die by taking sleeping pills, but due to the dose being low, he goes into a very deep sleep. While sleeping, he sees light all around him. On looking carefully into that light. He sees God,…the smiling Lord asks him the reason for his death…then he angrily says that there is nothing left for him to live for…

Hearing this, the Lord said, life is the name of struggle, why do you accept defeat? Saying this, God points towards two filled bundles lying far away and says to replace the bundle of your sorrows with one of the bundles.
One of those bundles belonged to a rich man of his village whom he considered to be the happiest man… As soon as he started to pick it up, the Lord interrupted him and said, first open it and see…
As soon as he opens it, the sorrows filled in it seem to him more than his own sorrows…
He falls at the feet of the Lord crying and asks Him to forgive him. He was going to end his precious life, being saddened by his little worries.

Friends, the condition of all of us is similar…we also feel our sorrows more than others…
It is because we do not appreciate what we have, instead of that we just  keep running to get what we do not have…if in any case the  thing or destination is not achieved by us  then we  got sad….

First of all we have to learn to love ourselves, we have to thank God for whatever we have received in the form of home and family. We also have to understand that this life is a pool full of happiness and sorrow, through which we have to swim and move forward. Nothing will be achieved by giving up,  so friends understand the importance of life and live this life while remaining equal in happiness and sorrow.

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It’s nice to meet you.

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