Short Stories

Subtle Vision

Subtle Vision.

The subtle vision of a person identifies the thoughts in his mind. We do not see any thing or person as they are, rather we see them as we think. We see the merits, demerits, happiness and sorrow in any object, person or situation according to our state of mind. Every person has two types of vision, one which sees the external form and the other is the inner vision which gives knowledge about the right, wrong, sin, virtue, truth and lie of the seen person, object or situation.

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Greed or Satisfaction

Greed or Satisfaction.

Once a person asked a saint that God is equal, means He is beyond happiness and sorrow and we all are His parts, then why are we sad or happy.

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Wait….(A Story)

Wait….(A Story).

Sometimes ,if you have to wait for someone for a few minutes, it may seems like years, and if you have to wait for the remaining life then….

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Everyone feel their sorrows more than Others

Everyone feel their sorrows more than Others.

Hello friends, let’s start today with a small story….

A man tries to die by taking sleeping pills, but due to the dose being low, he goes into a very deep sleep. While sleeping, he sees light all around him. On looking carefully into that light. He sees God,…the smiling Lord asks him the reason for his death…then he angrily says that there is nothing left for him to live for…

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A Story Teaching Importance of Hardwork…

A Story Teaching Importance of Hardwork….

A Story Teaching Importance of Hardwork… Read More »

Who is Ignorant?

Actually, We will not call the one who does not know anything IGNORANT, rather we will consider him, the one who despite having all the knowledge, does not appreciate the knowledge he has received… We try to understand this through a story….

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Stories related to Husband-Wife Relationship…

Stories related to husband-wife relationship…..

Friends, looking shortcomings in relationships will always make them seem distant from themselves…. Ignoring the mistake made by your close partner or friend or sometimes giving direction to improve that shortcoming through loving rebuke strengthens the relationship…

Stories related to Husband-Wife Relationship… Read More »

A Story Presenting Value Of Positive Thinking

A Story presenting Value of positive Thinking

A person was worried for a long time due to which he became irritable and stressed. He was troubled by the fact that he has to bear all the household expenses, the responsibility of the entire family is on him, one or the other relative keeps coming to his place, thinking about these things he remains very troubled. He used to scold the children often and often had fights with his wife on some issue or the other.

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Finding Motivation through the Grace of Lord Krishna

Finding Motivation through the Grace of Lord Krishna

Once upon a time in the serene town of Vrindavan, there lived a young man named Ramana who was known for his unwavering determination and disciplined lifestyle. Ramana’s life took a profound turn when he decided to embark on a spiritual journey, guided by the teachings of Lord Krishna.

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