Art of Remembering God while working

Art Of Remembering God While Working

Even while working, we can do our welfare by always remembering God. All the seekers who are following God or whose has desire to meet God  should read this article carefully. Today all of them will find a path on which they will definitely reach their goal. In today’s modern times, we cannot concentrate on bhajans without leaving work or family aside. However, according to Geeta, there is no need for us to leave our work. People make a myth by mistake, whereas Geeta preaches renunciation. Perhaps you all have also had such a thought in your mind at some point. ..but it is nothing like that. Because Arjun was ready to leave everything and earn his living even by begging but Shri Krishna advised him to do his work. He clearly said that you should remember me continuously all the time, that is, fight your war while remembering me all the time. In this way, by having your mind and intellect dedicated to me, you will attain me only.
According to this advice of the Lord, if war can happen while remembering God, then we should not have any difficulty in carrying out our simple tasks.
Often, as soon as the thought of doing devotion comes to our mind, our thoughts take us in the guise of a saint, who leaves everything and goes to a secluded place and does penance. But Shri Krishna told in Geeta to do devotion while doing work, you will get to know how in this article.
Many people say that doing bhajan while working does not get the work done well and doing the work well does not make bhajan continuous. They are  right in saying this also. There may be some difficulty in the beginning but as you practice further and by the grace of God, everything starts happening easily. An example of this is a person walking on a rope. One who, while standing on a rope, playing drums and dancing, keeps his attention constantly on his feet. In the same way, we should do all our work like playing songs and dancing but we should keep our mind in the Lord.
Whenever we do any work, we should chant the name of the Lord through breath or speech and make it a practice to do the work while meditating on His form. While working, we should have the feeling that this work is God’s and as per his orders, I am doing it for his pleasure. God is standing near me and watching my work, I should always be happy doing this.
In this way, by practicing doing work by thinking the name of God in the mind and chanting His name with breath or speech, one can easily attain God. By doing this practice, even if the work is a little lacking in the beginning, there is no harm. There should be no decrease in devotion.So practicing continuously one day we can attain a stage where we keep our mind towards God while doing anything.

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