A Story Teaching Importance of Hardwork…

A Story Teaching Importance of Hardwork….

There lived a famous businessman in a village. After many years of marriage, a son was born in his house…his name was Chandra…he was pampered by everyone in the house.
His every wish was fulfilled by his parents and family members.
Time progressed and Chandra became a young man because he never lacked anything in life, hence his outlook on life was very different…..but on the other hand his Father had built such a big business through hard work…
The businessman had come to know from Chandra’s behavior that he did not understand the importance of the fruits of hard work…
He asked his son to join him in the business…but Chandra would sometimes go to work and sometimes not…seeing all this, the businessman decided that he himself will teach him the importance of hardwork.
One day he called his son and the whole family in the center hall of house…
Then he said to Chandra in a serious voice,
“Till date you have not contributed anything to my business…so from today onwards you will be given food in this house only when you pay for it…
After this the father told all the family members
“No one will help Chandra and no one
Will give him food without money.”

The family members did not like this decision…the businessman himself felt very bad about it but He felt it was right to do this for the future of his only son…
On the first day, Chandra took money from his family and gave it to his father to buy food.
There was a well in the businessman’s house.
The next day when Chandra told his father that he still had money to buy food, the businessman asked him to throw that money in the well. Chandra found it a bit strange but still he threw away all the money without any hesitation.
After a few days passed father understood that the family itself is helping Chandra. So he asked his family about this , everyone agreed… then with strong words he forbade the family to do so… All the family members promised not to help Chandra. Now Chandra went to all the family members one by one.
But this time everyone refused to give him anything.
The merchant had a good reputation in the village andEveryone knew about his son Chandra. so,Chandra went to his father’s friend and
ask for money. Friend gave money to Chandra…
Chandra gave that money to his father and As usual his father told him to throw Chandra threw that money again without any hesitation…
When the businessman came to know, he told all his friends not to give money to Chandra without getting him to do the work. Everyone agreed. Now Chandra kept roaming from one place to another for money but this time no one agreed to give the money…
Chandra was going out of the village sadly…An old man saw him roaming on the road….
He called Chandra and asked
, “What happened?
Chandra told him, “I need some money.” The old man replied, “I can give you money but for this you will have to work for me…
Seeing no other option, Chandra agreed…
Chandra worked hard till evening, when work  completed, the old man gave him the money.
That day he reached his father in the evening
…and asked for food after giving money..
, Like always his father ordered him to throw away the money..but this time Chandra did not listen to this and said that
“Father, I have earned this money by working hard..
And you are asking me to throw it away….Further he cried and said that I cannot throw away this hard work I have earned all day long….
Hearing this the businessman understood that today
His son has understood the importance of the fruits of hard work, That day the businessman embraced his son and handed over all his business to him…

**The businessman had so much money that his seven generations could survive without doing anything…. But if today he did not teach his son the lesson of working hard in life, then this generation itself would have lost all the wealth and would have gone into poverty. …

So friends, everything should be given to the children in terms of money…but along with this, they should also be taught about the importance of these things and the hard work required to earn them…

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