November 2023

Stories related to Husband-Wife Relationship…

Stories related to husband-wife relationship…..

Friends, looking shortcomings in relationships will always make them seem distant from themselves…. Ignoring the mistake made by your close partner or friend or sometimes giving direction to improve that shortcoming through loving rebuke strengthens the relationship…

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 पति पत्नी के रिश्ते से जुड़ी यह कहानियां…

 पति पत्नी के रिश्ते से जुड़ी यह कहानियां….

दोस्तो रिश्तों में कमियां देखने से वो हमेशा खुद से दूर नज़र आयेंगे….अपने करीबी साथी या मित्र द्वारा की गई गलती को नजरअंदाज कर या कभी प्यार के उलाहने से उस कमी को सुधारने की दिशा देना रिश्तों को मजबूत कर देता है…

 पति पत्नी के रिश्ते से जुड़ी यह कहानियां… Read More »

 Breathing Meditation Techniques

 Breathing Meditation Techniques

Breathing meditation, a time-honored practice rooted in various spiritual traditions, provides a gateway to calm the mind, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being. Let’s find out various breathing meditation techniques, exploring their origins, benefits, and step-by-step instructions to help you embark on a transformative journey toward inner serenity.

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A Story Presenting Value Of Positive Thinking

A Story presenting Value of positive Thinking

A person was worried for a long time due to which he became irritable and stressed. He was troubled by the fact that he has to bear all the household expenses, the responsibility of the entire family is on him, one or the other relative keeps coming to his place, thinking about these things he remains very troubled. He used to scold the children often and often had fights with his wife on some issue or the other.

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 Pros and Cons of AI Technology in the Future

 Pros and Cons of AI Technology in the Future

 Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly shaping the landscape of our technological future. With its potential to revolutionize industries, improve efficiency, and transform the way we live and work, AI holds immense promise. However, like any transformative technology, AI comes with its own set of challenges and concerns. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the myriad pros and cons of AI technology in the future, examining its impact on various aspects of society, economy, and human life.

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अपनी सोच को सकारात्मक बनाएं

अपनी सोच को सकारात्मक बनाएं

एक व्यक्ति काफी दिनो से चिंतित चल रहा था जिसके कारण वह चिड़चिड़ा तथा तनाव में रहने लगा था। वह इस बात से परेशान था कि घर के सारे खर्चे उसे ही उठाने पड़ते हैं, पूरे परिवार की जिम्मेदारी उसी के ऊपर है, किसी ना किसी रिश्तेदार का उसके यहाँ आना जाना लगा ही रहता है, इन्ही बातों को सोच सोच कर वह काफी परेशान रहता था तथा बच्चों को अक्सर डांट देता था तथा अपनी पत्नी से भी ज्यादातर उसका किसी न किसी बात पर झगड़ा चलता रहता था।

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How to Avoid Divorce in Couples

How to Avoid Divorce in Couples

Marriage is not just a ritual ,its a relationship between two that requires commitment, effort, and understanding from both partners. However, the reality is that many couples face challenges that can strain their relationship and, in some cases, lead to divorce. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various strategies and practical tips to help couples navigate the complexities of married life and build a strong foundation for a lasting, fulfilling relationship.

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 A Deep Dive into Sound Meditation


 A Deep Dive into Sound Meditation

In the hustle and bustle of our modern lives, finding moments of peace and inner calm can be a challenge. The demands of work, family, and social obligations often leave us feeling stressed and disconnected from our true selves. In the quest for serenity, many individuals are turning to alternative practices, and one such method that has gained widespread popularity is sound meditation.

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Benefits of Patience in Life

Benefits of Patience in Life

Patience, often considered a virtue, is a quality that transcends mere waiting. It is a profound state of mind that, when embraced, can bring about transformative changes in an individual’s life. In a fast-paced world where instant gratification is often the norm, the value of patience cannot be overstated. This article delves into the multifaceted benefits of patience in a person’s personal and professional life, exploring how this virtue can lead to improved well-being, enhanced relationships, and greater success.

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20 Tips to run a successful Business

Running a successful business requires a combination of strategic planning, effective execution, adaptability, and a customer-centric approach. Here are 20 tips in detail on how to run a successful business:

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